2.) The weakest photo would be the leaves. I feel as though it doesn't look like high depth as if it's just a photo.
3.) The weak photo can be improved by retaking the photos and focusing the camera while striving to the goal.
4.) I used Photoshop and the tools I used were brightness/contrast, levels, color balance, and vibrance.
5.) The goal of this assignment was to take pictures of objects using different apertures and settings on the camera.
6.) The easy part about this assignment was editing because with my knowledge, it's fast and easy. Also finding examples of low depth.
7.) The hard part about this assignment was trying to find good examples of high depth because I struggled with high depth.
8.) If I were to repeat this project, I would take more photos and find better examples of high depth.
9.) On a scale of 1-10, I'd give my self a 6 because I put more effort in this than the last assignment but I feel as though I can do better.