Thursday, December 12, 2019

Color Sampling Reflection Questions

1.) The best photo in this assignment would be the presents because I feel as though it's more appealing since it contains plenty of color and has good composition.

2.) The weakest photo in this assignment would be the makeup palette because I think the black case makes it bad by not being as colorful but it has a good angle.

3.) The weakest photo can be improved by finding a more colorful photo and adding more detail shown in the image.

4.) I used the app Photo Shop. The tools used were levels, black and white, and layer mask.

5.) I met the Objectives by learning how to edit color and practice color sampling in Photo Shop.

6.) The easy part about the assignment was taking photos because it was easy to find images full of color.

7.) The hard part about this assignment was editing because I had just learned how to edit and add layer mask and it kind of confused me at first.

8.) If I were to repeat this assignment I would look for more colorful images and find different things to take pictures of instead of the same thing

9.) On a scale of 1-10 I feel as though I did 7 because this assignment to me was pretty easy and simple.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Color Sampling

Contact sheet:

black and white


color sampled



black and white

color sampled




Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Motion Reflection Questions

1.) The best shot at the moment in this assignment would be the photo of the food coloring in the cup because it was caught at just at the right time right before it spread in the water and it was clear and focused like a puff of smoke. 

2.) The weakest shot at the moment in this assignment would be my friend jumping because it doesn't look so clear and you can barely tell anything but once I finish the blurred motion, maybe I'll identify a weaker photo. 

3.) The weakest photo can be improved on by focusing and trying to catch it at the right timing before it can blur.

4.) I used the app "Photoshop". The tools I used were exposure, vibrance, levels, color balance, and brightness/contrast. 

5.) I met the objective by manipulating shutter speeds to create blurred and stop motion photos.

6.) The easy part of this assignment was editing because I found it easier than taking the photos since taking the photos required a lot of focus, stillness, and patience.

7.) The hard part of this assignment was taking the photos because I tried to find unique methods to represent stopped and blurred motion and it was hard to stay still, focus, and get the right photo. It was also hard to take photos of blurred motion. 

8.) If I did the project over again I would find more creative and unique methods to represent stop motion photos. I'd also take more time to get the photos right. As well as finding blurred motion photos.

9.) On a scale of 1-10, I'd give myself a 5 because I think I did about average and because I feel as though I did good on stopped motion not so much blurred motion. But I'm still gonna get blurred motion photos i just need the time to take them.


Stop Motion:

Blurred Motion:

Contact Sheet:

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Depth of Field Reflection Questions

1.) The best picture in this assignment would be the can of soda because I think it was my best example of low depth. Overall, I think low depth was easier to represent compared to high depth.

2.)  The weakest photo would be the leaves. I feel as though it doesn't look like high depth as if it's just a photo.

3.) The weak photo can be improved by retaking the photos and focusing the camera while striving to the goal.

4.) I used Photoshop and the tools I used were brightness/contrast, levels, color balance, and vibrance.

The goal of this assignment was to take pictures of objects using different apertures and settings on the camera.

6.) The easy part about this assignment was editing because with my knowledge, it's fast and easy. Also finding examples of low depth.

7.) The hard part about this assignment was trying to find good examples of high depth because I struggled with high depth.

8.) If I were to repeat this project, I would take more photos and find better examples of high depth.

9.) On a scale of 1-10, I'd give my self a 6 because I put more effort in this than the last assignment but I feel as though I can do better.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Back Lighting Reflection Questions

1.) The best picture in this assignment would be the one at sunset because I personally like the colors and how the tree is placed on the left.

2.) The weaker shot of course would be the other photo where the sun is peaking out behind the trees. It's the weakest because I just don't like the way this came out. It looked more odd than the other.

3.) The weak photo(s) can be fixed in the future if I retake it and put more effort in the way I take pictures.

4.) I used Photo Shop and in Photo Shop i used the tools Color Balance, Levels, and Brightness and Contrast.

5.) I met the goal by taking photos of back lighting where the light is behind the object making it more focused on the silhouette.

6.) The easy part of the assignment was editing because I find it neat to edit know that I understand the controls and what looks good.

7.) The difficult part about the assignment is the taking pictures part. It was difficult because I had to go out at a certain time of day for the right lighting.

8.) I would take more pictures with more diversity so that my options are open.

9.) In this project I'd give myself a 4 because I didn't meet the goal of 30+ photos and giving myself options because I think I was lazy and tired this time around.

Back Lighting

Friday, October 4, 2019

Texture and Lighting

Reflection Questions Texture

1.) The best picture of the assignment would be the picture of the tree bark because I like the texture shown and the depth of the image and it's better than the other ones.

2.) I think the weakest picture would be the tree branches because I think I could've done a better angle to prove more depth and I think it needed more focus. Overall I think they all needed better angles.

3.) The weakest photo can be improved by taking more pictures of it at better angles and more focus.

4.) I used Photoshop. The tools I used in Photoshop were levels, vibrance, color balance, and brightness/contrast.

5.) I was able to meet the goal by getting up close and getting the texture of things as well as doing my best and being creative.

6.) The easy part about this assignment was probably editing because now that I know how to do it it's easy.

7.) The hardest part about this assignment would be taking the actual pictures because I had to get up close and get down to try and get good angles.

8.) If I did this assignment over again, I'd try to find more pics of different textures since some of the photos i shown other people did too such as the tree bark. I'd also get better angles.

9.) I would rate this project an 8 because I think I tried harder in this project than the other one Also because now I have a little knowledge I personally think I did better.

Do Now Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams masters in landscapes and texture. he brings out texture keeping focus and taking his time with his photos also by the lighting he uses. I think his work is very neat because its very clear and focused and looks like it has a lot of effort into it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Reflection Questions Comp

1.) The best shot in this assignment would be the photo of the tower representing rule of thirds because there was more effort in it than any other and because the quality came out to how I wanted it.

2.) The weakest shot would be the park bench representing brightness and sharpness because I feel as though it looks like there isn't a lot of effort compared to the tower. Also, because there is a sort of glare along the words of the bench that ruin the photo in my opinion.

3.) The weakest picture can be improved by retaking the picture and putting more effort into making it apply more to the project.

4.) I used Photoshop on the computer. I used tools such as Levels, color balance, exposure, contrast, and saturation.

5.) I was able to meet the objective/goals of the assignment by putting in the effort and trying my best and overall having fun with it.

6.) The easiest part about the assignment was taking the photos because it was a fun experience to do.

7.) The hardest part about the assignment was editing because it was confusing trying to work on an app I haven't used on a computer before.

8.) If I were to repeat this assignment I'd take different pictures of different things representing the composition.

9.) In this assignment, I'd rate my effort an 6 because I think I could put a little more effort in these photos to make it better and I have little experience.

Friday, September 20, 2019


this represents rule of thirds because the object is not bulls eye and its put off to the side. This photo could also represent "emphasizing height and distance" but i see it as rule of thirds.

this photo represents simplicity because its a simple seagull with a very plain background that's not too busy while it focuses on the bird.
  this photo represents "emphasize foreground" because the horizon is in the upper half of the frame.

this photo represents leading lines because it draws the viewers eyes to follow the line of the road and around the screen.
This photo represents multiple subjects because there is more than 1 thing shown here and the person in the back draws attention to the back making the viewers eyes look around the whole image. 

this photo represents brightness and sharpness because its focused, clear, and has good lighting. 

this photo represents "emphasizing height and distance" because the horizon is on the lower half of the frame making the tower look taller.
this photo represents leading lines because the power lines attract the viewers eyes around the image.

contact sheet:

Thursday, September 12, 2019

the falling man

i think the photo was included in the "time's magazine 100 best collection" because it was a unique photo of someone actually dying that day during the attack. Also, it was said its a photograph some people could probably relate to in a way and because the photo was a symbol of individuality.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

snapshot and artistic photo

What is the difference between a snap shot and artistic photography?

the difference between a snap shot and artistic photography is that a snap shot is just a quick snap photo without the worry of aesthetic while artistic photography focuses on being aesthetic and putting more effort and thought in the details.
